[HolisticPet] Re: Odd question about supplements

Well, a mental light bulb went off last evening and I figured out how to get Cosequin capsules (which easily stick in the throat if swallowed whole) into the cat who can only eat one type of specialized dry food. I moisten a spoonful of the dry food with no salt chicken broth and stir the Cosequin powder into that! She eats it, she keeps it down, it works! I just have to cook up a supply of broth with no seasonings or salt, skim the fat, and freeze it in ice cube trays so I can thaw only small amounts at a time that will keep for a few days in the fridge.

I still need to pick up some fish oil or other probiotic that will help their coats. In the meantime, I'm looking into where I can get Evo cat food and give some of that a try.

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