RE: [HolisticPet] Losing muscle mass in back legs - Cushings?

I am a little late responding and I hope your dog is doing great by now.
My Winston was losing strength and losing muscle mass. The x-rays
showed arthritis and bone loss in hind hip joints and legs. I finally
did put Winston on rymadyl. It was either that or put him down because
I was already giving him other natural supplements. I also started him
in physical therapy. He is walking, getting up and down and feeling
much better. It was hard for me to give him the rymadyl, but I also am
supporting his liver and giving him detox liver for dogs. It is nice to
see him active again. Also the physical therapist does not think
Winston will need to stay on rymadyl. He thinks after Winston gets his
strength and muscle mass back we can put him on something else. I have
liver enzymes ran each month. The vet tells me 4-6 months is
sufficient, but I want to make sure. Winston is my heart dog. He looks
so cute in his life jacket. Pattie and the "Cocker Crew"

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dal Pal (NSY)
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 7:25 AM
To: *LST - HolisticPet

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