Re: [HolisticPet2] Raw Food Co-op membership fee

Hey Marilynn,
I wrote that e-mail from work and I should have said *I knew they existed but I've never checked into a raw food coop for the animals and don't know how they work*.  I've always bought from pre-made, places, like Pet Orlando and Aunt Jeni's.   
I guess whoever manages this yahoo group is wanting to make a business of it.  There is a human raw food yahoo group that started charging after giving several months for free that I unsubbed from only because the economy got so bad, I couldn't afford it.  They are charging $25.00 a month. 
I thought for sure this group would dissolve to very little but it's thriving with members just over 100 at most times.  I keep checking to see that they are there because I would like to join at some point when I get more $$. 
The link to the story about the human coop situation is here:
In a message dated 5/14/2009 2:00:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hey Denise,

This isn't a human food co-op. It's a dog/cat food co-op. I guess if you're not a member of one, or haven't heard of them, it's hard to explain them. OTOH, you're the first person who isn't familiar with raw food co-ops for animals. Interesting!

Or did I miss something in your post; that's highly likely. LOL!!

Yes, co-op grocery stores do charge a membership fee; at least that's what I've come across. But I've never heard of raw food (for dogs and cats) co-ops charging members a fee to continue being members and buying. It's a Yahoo! Group.

Yes, please send the link! Thank you.

The charges to be a member vary from about $60 - $120 a year. I understand when that's broken down by the month, it's pittance, but I'm still not willing to pay. On the site, where we place orders, the "owner" put up a note basically saying no one can order for June until they start paying a fee.

Henyway, I can buy raw foods for my dogs and cats other places, so that's not a problem. It was just the convenience of the Raw Food Co-op that was nice.

Marilyn, Miko (Chasing lizards in Heaven), Bess, RoseyMae, and (FC) Beaver Cleavear,

Fort Bragg, CA.

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 14 May, 2009 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [HolisticPet2] Raw Food Co-op membership fee

Hi Marilyn,

I only have heard about coops with people buying produce, etc. But might be the same.  I'm not sure but I think membership in the form of charging is what keeps them from having to have a retail license and can operate out of their home.  However there was an article shared on the raw food group that I belong to where someone is in legal trouble from operating a coop out of their home.  I believe I read they charged membership for and were under the assumption that they didn't have to have a license or inspections.  I'll send the link when I get home from work.

The coop I belonged to a few years ago did not charge us anything but not sure if they have changed the law now or what.

How much are they wanting to charge you?


-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn Bickell <>
Sent: Thu, 14 May 2009 12:09 pm
Subject: [HolisticPet2] Raw Food Co-op membership fee

Those of you who are members of raw food co-ops for your pets, is there anyone out there who is paying a membership fee to be able to stay in the co-op??


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