[HolisticPet2] Herbal Anti-Flea Pillows

Use this Anti-Flea Herb Mix in these various ways:

1) Make/Sew little pillows (8 "X 8" or so) stuffed with the following mix and place in the animals bed or sleeping area. The little pillow cannot be washed and you will have to replace it every couple of months.

2) If your pet has a cedar stuffed bed (cedar is a great flea deterrent). Stuff the bed with cedar chips and throw this herb mix in with the chips as you fill the bag. Change the entire filling of the bag every couple of months.

Herbal Flea Deterrent Pillow Filling Recipe:

    mix together:
  • 2 cups Pennyroyal*
  • 1 cup Rosemary
  • 1 cup Feverfew
  • 1 cup Southernwood (if you can't find this, use Wormwood)

* Do not let the animal eat this herbal mix. Pennyroyal should not be consumed. If there is a chance the animal will tear up the pillow, use peppermint instead of Pennyroyal, it will not be quite as effective, but will be safer.

Donna ACS

This information is not intended to replace a doctor's advice.  Each person takes responsibility for their decisions based on the information and opinions that are submitted on Holistic Pet 2.
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