Re: [HolisticPet] treating deep wounds

In a message dated 4/22/2009 9:55:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

A great homeopathic first aid book it Don Hamilton's Homeopathic Care for
Dogs and Cats.

My dog has been going through bouts of ear infections. Red, hot, swollen
ear that he has scratched to pieces and now has a deep wound on the outside
of the ear which wont heal from constant scratching. Also, he has
terrible flea allergies, and there are fleas out there when we go walking, and in
the yard. Ive treated the yard and house with all natural remedies, but
still he is suffering. Any ideas on what to treat the deep wound on his ear
with ? It just keeps opening up and bleeding. It is about the size of a
Thank you.

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