Re: [HolisticPet] innova food problem

I just did a websearch using the terms Innova problems and got this


Gotta run, but you might try doing this search and seeing what else you
find. You might also call a really good pet food shop or two in your area
to ask. I find the really good ones will usually be honest, while the
warehouse-type (and I know Innova is not sold at grocery stores), well, it
just depends.... During the pet food crisis in 2007, some of the pet food
company reps were giving different stories than the so-called "customer
service" folks, and some businesses were not taking tainted/suspicious
foods off of their shelves (and no, it was not a law they had to do so,
some folks just assumed it was...).


> Ive been feeding my dog and cat Innova dry and wet foods, along with
> homemade foods. The last bag of cat food I bought, my cats threw up
> within 1/2 hour of eating it, and again for another 6 hours. (snip)


"The mature man lives quietly, does good privately, takes responsibility
for his actions, treats others with friendliness and courtesy, finds
mischief boring and avoids it. Without the hidden conspiracy of goodwill,
society would not endure an hour."
— Kenneth Rexroth

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