[HolisticPet2] Re: Dementia?
Thanks, Guys! Help at last!
Donna - An Omega 3 deficiency is a very real possibility. His raw
diet is heavily chicken. Might know, he HATES fish. He bit into a
capsule hidden in a treat and that was the end of that. Now he won't
eat other things I've tried to hide them in, like raw egg. He
dissects meat balls to make sure there isn't a cap in there. The only
thing that works perfectly for fish caps or any pill is a chicken
heart. Can I get chicken hearts? No. I'm lucky to find 3 in a package
of hearts & gizzards.
Everything suggested for the comfort of the dog is already being done
if it can be. I've considered wearing a bell on my ankle because I'm
continually startling Mikey. He probably wouldn't hear it and it
would drive me crazy. He doesn't need one because he's always with
me. It would be very helpful outside but it isn't safe to leave a
collar on a farm dog. Maybe I can figure out some break-away thing.
His deafness worries me a lot around livestock and I have no outside
containment area. The dogs rarely leave the yard but sometimes they do.
Julie, you and Donna have both suggested B-Complex. I guess that is
the place to start. I'll try to find a source for Sub-L. That would
be my best bet with this particular dog. I need it too. A Dr. wanted
me to take B-12 shots once a month and said that nothing oral would
work. Maybe not pills but I don't see why sub-l wouldn't work. Maybe
he just wanted the $$ for the shots??
I loved your Nana story and am Very impressed. I cared for my mom
24/7 until her death at 99. The last 6 years were hell. She wasn't
sick and she didn't have dementia, so I never looked into ways to
help her. If I had, maybe she wouldn't have been so mean! Like the
docs, I chalked everything up to old age. I didn't figure out until
AFTER she died that Rolaids are the same thing as milk of magnesia.
Duh!! She ate them like candy and had continual diarrhea for YEARS.
Nana going into assisted living at her age is impressive. We both
must come from a very good gene pool!
Thanks for reminding me about the nutritional healing book. I never
think to look there for pet assistance.
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