[HolisticPet] Re: Possible rectal cancer

Yes, nutrition is important.

But why is it that 100 years ago cancer was not one of the top
five reasons for death in the United States. Back then stroke was
number 5 and represented 6% of deaths so that means cancer had to
be lower than 6%.

Today cancer is the number two killer with 23% of all deaths in
human. Since our companion animals suffer the same medical
conditions we do there must be a reason that goes beyond
nutrition. Could it be that the food we eat is contaminated with
metals like mercury, toxic chemicals and pesticides?

According to Bill Moyer in Trade Secrets; Over 80,000 chemicals
have been synthesized in the last 100 years, 15,000 are used in
consumer products and only 43% have been tested for safety.

Rick Smith, executive director of Environmental Defense states
that; we are the guinea pigs in the largest uncontrolled science
experiment in history.

So yes it is important what we put in our mouths. But it's also
just as import that we personal use and also give liquid zeolite
to our companion animals. With liquid zeolite we are removing the
bad things; so our bodies natural abilities can be used to heal

Peter Post

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