[HolisticPet] Re: Air freshener - Do Not Use TEE TREE OIL
I was alarmed to read this recipe and the suggestion that you add a teaspoon of tee tree oil. I know there are many who use tee tree oil, especially those of you in Australia/NewZealan
Therer are many articles on the internet if you would like to do research of your own. I don't want to start a debate but I do feel everyone should know the pros and cons before making a choice to use it. Here is just one I found:
--- In HolisticPet@
> Here's the recipe. It makes quite a bit and will spoil even being kept in
> fridge so last time I made a double recipe and froze in small containers.
> Enough for 2 (for me and Mom) very small spray bottles. Bought them at
> Wal-Mart.
> "Take a BIG fat lemon (the more rind the better) and slice it paper thin.
> Put in a bowl with a tablespoon of crushed rosemary leaves (or a 6 inch
> sprig of fresh). Pour over with a quart of hot, near boiling water. Let
> steep overnight. Strain and put into a large spray bottle. Keep in fridge.
> Shake well before applying. The d-lemeone in this spray along with the
> rosemary oil will give your dog a beautiful shiney coat and keep fleas and
> other bugs away .. including mosquitoes, so you get extra heartworm
> protection. If your dog has dry skin or allergies add a teaspoon of tea tree oil and a tablespoon of Aloe pulp. Use the spray at least twice a week to
> keep the scent on the coat to repell bugs, and spray it around your doors
> and through the carpets. If it's a bad flea time, spray daily on the belly
> and feet to repell them. This has worked wonders for us for many years. Not
> only for the dogs, but for us when we go hiking or walking in the woods. No
> bug will get near this stuff. And, of course, it's all natural."
> I've also seen the recipe with 2 lemons and with Neem oil added.
> My first batch I used 1 lemon and stripped the leaves from a couple of
> sprigs of rosemary. Lemon was normal size and pale rather than deep yellow.
> It was very hard and had a thick rind. I strained the mixture so it wouldn't
> clog the sprayer but those were the only changes for the first batch.
> Second batch I did basically the same thing but before straining, I
> hand-squeezed all the lemon and rosemary before straining to get as much
> d-lemeone into the mixture as possible. Fragrance is much stronger and seems
> to work much better.
> For this last batch (actually 2 batches combined into one), I didn't use
> quite as much water and used the remainder of the rosemary (almost a whole
> package from the store). I split it between 2 bowls and also broke the stems
> and added them to the mix. I haven't gotten to this batch yet but I'm sure
> it will work at least as well as the previous ones.
> Altho it says to spray 2 x week, that did not work for me in the beginning
> so I started at 4 x week. Now they get sprayed every 2-3 days and it seems
> to be working. I used to get lots of bugs and spiders around the outside
> door (we live in the basement) and they would scoot into the house when the
> door was opened. Now when I spritz the dogs I also spritz around the outside
> of the door. Seems to be keeping the bugs and spiders at bay.
> I also sprinkle food-grade DE around the perimeter of my house and fenced
> yard and spray the yard with Mosquito Barrier. Of all these, I think the
> only one that kills the ticks is the DE; others just chase them away. But
> maybe after a couple of years they will decide this is not the yard to go
> searching for a blood meal. <g>
> Leslee
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