Re: [HolisticPet] Possible rectal cancer..please join this group for very good info..
I just went thru a cat with VAS (Vax Assoc.Sarcoma) between the shoulder blades, she passed Jan. but while she was alive I searched many boards for info re: treatment conventional and holistic.
A great group of knowledgeable people I met gave me tons of info and support.
Don't let the name scare you off:
They use black salve but also us other items ,some you previously mentioned, the Vacustatin seems to work very well in the early stages, I didn't hear of it until to late, Reshei Mushroom,and colloidal silver also.
Please join the group, the moderator Rose is a great lady, and the member more then kind.
Wishing you the best of luck,
--- On Wed, 4/22/09, Dal Pal (NSY) <nospam101y@spottedw
From: Dal Pal (NSY) <nospam101y@spottedw
Subject: [HolisticPet] Possible rectal cancer
To: "*LST - HolisticPet" <HolisticPet@
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 7:38 AM
I was thrown for a loop yesterday when I took my oldest (12 - 13.5 yo?)
spayed Dal to the vet for what I thought was impacted anal glands. Had Cloud
been scooting, it would have tipped me off to have her checked. Instead, I
noticed that her anus looked larger than usual and she had swellings on
either side of her tail. Vet (allopathic) said she may have rectal cancer
but won't know until the swelling goes down. She's on Clavamox and Previcox.
Am also bathing with calendula tincture mix 3+ times/day. I was hoping that
with raw feeding, no vax, etc. we would be able to eliminate the cancer
threat. Sadly, maybe not.
Would like to be proactive with this since recheck isn't for 2 weeks and vet
said maybe 2 months, possibly longer with very aggressive treatment
including surgery, chemo, steroids, etc. but do not want to put her thru all
that. I've got so many e-mails in my CANCER folder that I just don't know
where to start. Has anyone dealt with rectal and/or internal cancer
successfully? Some of the things that I've been reading about for fighting
cancer are: Trans Factor Plus, VascuStatin, black salve (sounds like the
cure is as bad as the dis-ease), Essiac Tea, Colostrum, phytonutrients (have
some coming hopefully Friday), immune builders (again Friday)...
Cloud has been raw fed since June, 2002. She gets meat/bone AM & meat/bone
veggies, yogurt, fruit, etc. PM. Also daily: 500 mg vit-C, 1/2 capsule
B-Complex, 1/2 capsule Alfa-Max, 2000 iu Salmon oil & 500 mg Evening
Primrose Oil. She also gets Vit-E 400 iu 2 x wk.
Also, any suggestions for a good vit-min supp instead of all these different
caps/tabs would be a big help. Almost seems like dogs are getting more pills
than meat.
Thanks for any and all help.
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